Truth, Determination and Perseverance.


The four walls of a room is a restricted ambience to satiate the abundant curiosity of a child. The greater vision of Maria’s Public School, ‘Learning beyond the classroom’ is a gateway to the alternative streams of knowledge and information that beckon the child. It prepares her with skills of the 21st century and beyond, and moulds her into a powerhouse of savior faire. The school envisages each of its children adequately equipped to brave all challenges and emerge triumphant while coming into confident possessions of her innate talents and establish values that will allow her to act with thoughtfulness and humanity. Maria’s Public School is committed to providing a concrete platform for joyful learning and holistic development. It empowers the child with awareness and adaptability while inculcating in him high ethics, Indian ethos, respect towards his roots and progressive thoughts.The school will develop student and student-friendly, fear-free environment to enhance regularity in students’ attendance and participation, leading to improvement in the learning levels to at least 60-80% in 3 years and 100% by 2022.


Maria’s Public School leads the child to the abundance of a greater world and guides him to stockpile advantageous information so that he builds a strong foundation for a righteous mindset. On course the voyage beyond the four walls of the classroom the child satiates his endless crave for information. With this, the school designs a global community with a broad perspective of life armed with conviction to face all challenges, and compassion towards all life forms.