A Senior Secondary School affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education
“Just to say a huge thank you for the delightful evening yesterday transporting me to the Parisian world of beauty, love and truth, of love and longing, of the reality of consumption raging at the time, of cancan dancers, the pursuit of Bohemian ideals, and mention of Toulouse -Lautrec and other French greats of the time.”
“Kudos to all involved in this scintillating performance, particularly the students themselves, as star performers! Spectacular, as the actors themselves said! Needless to add that Maria’s always does everything in style!
Renewed thanks, with the hope of attending many more of such high-energy performances! Every good wish and much love”, Rita Goswami, former Professor, Dept. of English, Handique Girls’ College, Guwahati.
“Thank you so much for a lovely evening. It was a pleasure to meet so many of my old students. So happy to see you lead the school so well”, Mrs Aditi Choudhury, Author and former Head of the Department of English, Handique Girls’ College.
“Wonderful energy that only the young can bring…But to imagine a cabaret with Can-can, tango and even bollywood in this adaptation of _Moulin Rouge_ takes some doing, and the students pulled it off with élan! Kudos to the choreographers and the huge cast that worked so beautifully in tandem!” Ms Asha Kuthari Chaudhuri, Author and Professor at the Department of English, Gauhati University, specialising in Drama and Theatre Studies, Postcolonial Indian Theatre, Film and Media Studies.
“Heartiest Congratulations on the brilliantly choreographed musical and terrific performance of the students. Appreciate how you encourage the students in the arts and culture along with their academics. Bravo!” —Reshma Shah, Education Consultant/ Founder ‘Creativity@work’/Teacher Training/Life Skills Coach/former Creative Writing Faculty @NIFT, Bengaluru, Student & Parent Development/Early Childhood Education.
“Thank you for inviting us to the spectacular show we witnessed this evening. It was indeed a truly, fantastic performance,” HOD, English, Sarla Birla Gyan Jyoti, Guwahati.
“What a brilliant and beautiful production it was! The hard work that has gone into its making is pretty obvious. You and the teachers may like to take a bow. The students were stupendous; they were brilliant tonight. Nellie (Ahmed) must be feeling so proud.”
“It was also lovely to hear about #teamMarias‘ performances in the different fields. The students have truly done the school proud. Here’s wishing you and the school the very best in the years to come,” Neelakshi Baruah, a Healer of repute.
“It was a beautiful show. Congratulations… Please convey our regards to your students, faculty, staff and of course to Nellie Ma’am…
Kudos to you,” Vice Principal, DPS Khanapara.
“Thanks for the invite to Moulin Rouge. We enjoyed the performance thoroughly. The troupe performed like one well-oiled machinery. every move they made, and word they spoke were in perfect synchronicity,” a parent invitee.
In the word of the Founder and Managing Trustee, Ms Nellie Ahmed, “I had the privilege of witnessing the renowned theatre artiste Norbu Tshering’s wonderful choreography elsewhere in the country years back. Hence, I invited him to our school way back in 2014. He created magic with our students with 3 productions, ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Grease’ and ‘Oliver’ and now we all have watched another of his masterpieces, ‘Moulin Rouge’!”
“We believe in holistic development of children and ‘Learning Beyond the Classroom’. Communication skill, social skills, emotional intelligence, team spirit and time management are some of the 21st century values that can be incorporated through participation in live performances. They also find a platform to hone and showcase their creativity which enhances their cultural understanding and memory. They become more aware about their interest and talent which pave a way for their future pursuits.”
As the Principal Mausumi Mahanta observes, “The results of all efforts are for all to see—not only in the magnificent play staged by the children but also in the invaluable lessons they have learned along the way. From teamwork, patience, and responsibility to time management and the pure joy of enacting a Parisian play, the students have gained a wealth of experience that will stay with them for life.”
Gratitude to all who had sent us lovely words of appreciation.
Yes, it was a spectacular show to behold and feel the energy, beauty and synchronicity. Unseen but invariably felt were the hard work and passion of the entire team.
Bravo Children!!! You’ve done it once again! We’re all amazed to see how well you’ve picked up every lesson, every move bringing it to perfection in just a few days and performed like true professionals! Immensely proud of you. This makes us keep our belief in you alive that you can dominate any field you want to in true Marian spirit.
Heartfelt gratitude to Mrs Nellie Ahmed, the Founder and Managing Trustee for producing the play, Mausumi Mahanta, the Principal for her special support looking into every aspect meticulously, Mr Anjan Gogoi, the Vice Principal for his logistical support, Norbu Tshering, the incredibly talented choreographer for training the children and Sonal Vohra, the multi-talented danseuse for her assistance in choreography, Mrs Nandita Baruah, the Production Coordinator, Mrs Jabeen Sharma Pathak, Mentor of voice-over, Dr Biswajit De at Production Design, the MCs Anangsha Hazarika and Job Hmar for their seamless compering and all who made this all happen working behind the screen.
Immense gratitude to our parents for gracing the School Annual Function and making it truly special. We deeply appreciate your unwavering support throughout this journey. Your encouragement during the long practice sessions, even through the winter vacations, and most importantly, your trust and faith in the school have been invaluable.
Thank you for partnering with us to create such a memorable experience. Your support continues to inspire and motivate us to strive for excellence in all that we do.
A deep bow to all who were a part of this marvelous show